
Tourism in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

| 5/24/10 | 2 comments

Indonesian people,is famous for considerable skills in making handicrafts. one community in Yogyakarta there we can see various kinds of handicrafts. If we're walking in Malioboro street, we can find a lot of craft there. Starting from the craft of wood, stone, batik shirt, and others.  in addition we can also enjoy the scenery and the friendliness of the local community. there are many resorts, one of Borobudur temple, Prambanan temple and still a lot that we can visit. Lalu jika kita ingin pergi ke pantai, disana ada pantai parangtritis yang indah. Then we could see the palace of Yogyakarta. There, the palace was still awake and was still very neat. So if you choose to vacation in yogyakarta. you have to stay for several days, because not enough one day to enjoy a holiday there. Then the next trip is to Mount Merapi. This mountain, including the world's most active mountain. We could go to Kali Urang located beneath Mount Merapi. There are very many places that I can not mention because a lot. So please you to go to Yogyakarta to enjoy a comfortable trip.


Salon Oyah said...

Maaf bru bls ... slmt sore, slmt beraktifitas, smoga sukses hari ini :)... Nice info sob, sukses dan laaannnnjjjjuutttt... Btw, jgn lupa mampir2 yaa ke blog sederhana q >> http://salonoyah.blogspot.com ... tengkyuuu

Salon Oyah said...

Nice info bro... keep on blogging... success 2 u...

:)) ;)) ;;) :D ;) :p :(( :) :( :X =(( :-o :-/ :-* :| 8-} :)] ~x( :-t b-( :-L x( =))

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